Saturday, April 23, 2011
There just isn't enough hours in the day to get everything done.
I had hoped to get a whole lot more done this week to share with you, but it just didn't happen.
We had swim, rock climbing, homework, researching, a WONDERFUL resurrection of Jesus reinactment that our neighbors were apart of and invited us to, a dinner date, AND just being a mom.
I shopped yesterday at Harris Teeter. I bought Smart Balance milk for $1.00. Actually I bought 3 half gallons for $1.00 each. Anyone who buys it, knows it is not cheap. I was super stoked. But before I get to that, Here is everything I bought the other day when I said I bought Silk milk for $.50.
What would do you think you would normally pay for all of this WITHOUT coupons?
These are the groceries I bought the other day for the Silk being only $.50. The non-coupon price of Silk is about $4.00. Wednesdays Farm Fresh has double coupons. Plus most of the milk was marked off $1.00 for a manager's special, which brought it to $2.00. Then I had a $.75 coupon which doubled to another $1.50 coming off. And THAT is how I only paid $.50 for that milk.
I really want you to take a guess. Later tonight I will update with the price I paid for everything.
I still can't wrap my mind around how much I continue to save.
And when I don't, I feel defeated. Like this morning going to Walmart for 6 items and spending over $20. FOR SIX ITEMS!!
Alright, I really had to make this quick as we are going to friends for dinner.
be blessed
**UPDATE** I paid $44.22 and saved 39.50 including tax.
I had hoped to get a whole lot more done this week to share with you, but it just didn't happen.
We had swim, rock climbing, homework, researching, a WONDERFUL resurrection of Jesus reinactment that our neighbors were apart of and invited us to, a dinner date, AND just being a mom.
I shopped yesterday at Harris Teeter. I bought Smart Balance milk for $1.00. Actually I bought 3 half gallons for $1.00 each. Anyone who buys it, knows it is not cheap. I was super stoked. But before I get to that, Here is everything I bought the other day when I said I bought Silk milk for $.50.
What would do you think you would normally pay for all of this WITHOUT coupons?
These are the groceries I bought the other day for the Silk being only $.50. The non-coupon price of Silk is about $4.00. Wednesdays Farm Fresh has double coupons. Plus most of the milk was marked off $1.00 for a manager's special, which brought it to $2.00. Then I had a $.75 coupon which doubled to another $1.50 coming off. And THAT is how I only paid $.50 for that milk.
I really want you to take a guess. Later tonight I will update with the price I paid for everything.
I still can't wrap my mind around how much I continue to save.
And when I don't, I feel defeated. Like this morning going to Walmart for 6 items and spending over $20. FOR SIX ITEMS!!
Alright, I really had to make this quick as we are going to friends for dinner.
be blessed
**UPDATE** I paid $44.22 and saved 39.50 including tax.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
I'm curious to know what you spend on groceries. Do you plan a menu and stick to it when you are shopping? Or do you go shopping with an idea of what you are going to get, but with nothing set in stone.
Last night I watched Extreme Couponing. I was jealous for a minute when one of the ladies got out of paying $1000+ worth of "stuff", that she couponed, for only $9.42. That included the MEAT she bought (which is where my jealousy came in). BUT I REFUSE to empty a bin of Excederin.
I missed posting yesterday. {i MUST have been busy}
Today I have a field trip with O's class.
No promises.... I will try to post how I bought milk for $.50 yesterday, among my other purchases.
Are you couponing? Are you thrifty? Let me know what inspired you get with saving your hard earned money.
I leave you with this...

This is one of my favorite SOOC photos of rain droplets. AND the reason I love it so much is because I was having {truly} a tough day. I went to the car to get out of the house so I could be alone, and turned on the KLOVE station that I listen to everyday. I snapped this photo along with many others. Just a reminder that HE died for me. He died for you. It's HIS plan; not ours.
be blessed
Last night I watched Extreme Couponing. I was jealous for a minute when one of the ladies got out of paying $1000+ worth of "stuff", that she couponed, for only $9.42. That included the MEAT she bought (which is where my jealousy came in). BUT I REFUSE to empty a bin of Excederin.
I missed posting yesterday. {i MUST have been busy}
Today I have a field trip with O's class.
No promises.... I will try to post how I bought milk for $.50 yesterday, among my other purchases.
Are you couponing? Are you thrifty? Let me know what inspired you get with saving your hard earned money.
I leave you with this...
This is one of my favorite SOOC photos of rain droplets. AND the reason I love it so much is because I was having {truly} a tough day. I went to the car to get out of the house so I could be alone, and turned on the KLOVE station that I listen to everyday. I snapped this photo along with many others. Just a reminder that HE died for me. He died for you. It's HIS plan; not ours.
be blessed
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Sunday Evening's Trip to Walgreens
You've been waiting so patiently to hear how I did at Walgreens. Well, here it is!
T has allergies since moving here, and he is ALWAYS sniffing up his nose because it's so dry. I found a solution and it happened to be on sale this week at Walgreens.
See it there in the middle? It's called NasoGel, and it REALLY works! It is normally $6.99. The sale price this week was $4.99. AND it had a $1 off peelie attached, so that made it $3.99. This is one product that, when purchased, you received a $5 in store reward. During this transaction, I also bought two chocolate peeps that I had {1}$1.00 mnfctr coupon AND {1}$.50 Walgreens store coupon for. They were on sale this week 2/$1.50. Guess What?? I got the PEEPS for FREE. Guess What Else?? I got the NasoGel for FREE too, because they PAID me $5 to try it out. See how that is working here? Look at my receipt below. (YES, I did have to put up the $4.02 to begin which seems to recon I maybe only "earned" myself $1.00, but don't forget that means I got the product for free AND they threw in a couple Peeps on top of that.)
Now I know. Two free rentals for REDBOX = $2.00 Eggs were $2.64 which means I paid $.64 for two dozen eggs.
Last, but not least, I took a trip across the street to Walmart to pick up some travel first aid kits, which didn't work out... BUT I did find Secret Flawless deodorant with a sample clinical strength on clearance for $2.25. It is normally $7.76 for just the one. With getting the sample size, which is like a travel size, it's almost like getting the deodorant for FREE. Almost.
Anyway, There ya go. At Walgreens I spent out of pocket (OOP) a total of $12.96. In rewards I received $19.50 (including the redbox and creamer coupon). Not bad for an evenings work on things we will USE.
You won't find me buying things we won't use, like some other couponers I have seen. That is NOT why I am purchasing with coupons. I am not going to buy something "just because i can" if I have a coupon for it. I will gladly send the coupon along with the others I won't use to the overseas military bases. I encourage you to do the same. ALSO, if you don't want your coupons, I will gladly take them and send them for you with mine.
Let me know what you think. Tomorrow we will get into the nitty gritty of how planning a trip works. ARE you ready to go through your grocery store ads and make your grocery list for your shopping trip?
be blessed!
T has allergies since moving here, and he is ALWAYS sniffing up his nose because it's so dry. I found a solution and it happened to be on sale this week at Walgreens.
See it there in the middle? It's called NasoGel, and it REALLY works! It is normally $6.99. The sale price this week was $4.99. AND it had a $1 off peelie attached, so that made it $3.99. This is one product that, when purchased, you received a $5 in store reward. During this transaction, I also bought two chocolate peeps that I had {1}$1.00 mnfctr coupon AND {1}$.50 Walgreens store coupon for. They were on sale this week 2/$1.50. Guess What?? I got the PEEPS for FREE. Guess What Else?? I got the NasoGel for FREE too, because they PAID me $5 to try it out. See how that is working here? Look at my receipt below. (YES, I did have to put up the $4.02 to begin which seems to recon I maybe only "earned" myself $1.00, but don't forget that means I got the product for free AND they threw in a couple Peeps on top of that.)
Here is what the Catalina Coupon that I received looks like. (These are the two I received today. They look exactly like these ones, except it was for just ONE. I went back today and bought more.)
See the expiration date? You have UNTIL then to use your FREE money. There ARE exclusions that you can read right there.
What else did I get? Glad you asked. You see those boxes of Nescafe Taster's Choice Coffee Singles? I printed {2} $1.00 coupons off from Nescafe, and they were on sale. They ALSO had register rewards when you bought two or four. I bought four. Below is my receipt and the register rewards.
I could have used the $5 reward and purchase these, BUT if you don't use the FULL amount on the reward, you lose it. So I paid $2.10, and got a $4 reward. What does that mean for me? That means that Walgreens and Nescafe PAID me $1.90 to try 4 boxes of their instant coffee. AND I also got a $1.50 coupon for the product below which will go along nicely with my coffee.
Can you think of WHERE I can use this instant coffee?? YEP... when we go camping!!
Hopefully everyone uses some sort of mouth/teeth cleaning products. We usually use Crest. However, I had {2}$1.00 off coupons for Colgate and decided at some point we will give it a try. Colgate is on sale 2/$6.00. Also, 3M has a pdf full of coupons you can find here. Walgreens ad had buy {1} 3M tape and get {2} FREE. The ad also had Easter baskets on sale for $.79 with in ad coupon. I needed a filler because I was going to use the reward that I received from the Nasogel. Here's how it went down.
I used {2}$1.00 off coupons for Colgate, {2} $1.00 off coupons for 3M tape {2}$.20off in ad coupon for Easter baskets, AND my $5.00 Register Reward from the purchase of Nasogel. Look at what I paid for all of that? $1.05 Can you believe that? BUT WAIT!!! It gets better... THEY paid me $2.95 to try out all of those products. How? Because I got a $4.00 Register Reward for the Colgate.
Next are the hair ties/clips. They were on sale for $3.00 that included a $3.00 register reward. So guess what? I really got em for free (minus tax).
Which I could have used on the eggs that I purchased, had I known that I would have still gotten the REDBOX rentals. In store ad was buy {2} dozen eggs, get redbox rental for a night.Now I know. Two free rentals for REDBOX = $2.00 Eggs were $2.64 which means I paid $.64 for two dozen eggs.
Last, but not least, I took a trip across the street to Walmart to pick up some travel first aid kits, which didn't work out... BUT I did find Secret Flawless deodorant with a sample clinical strength on clearance for $2.25. It is normally $7.76 for just the one. With getting the sample size, which is like a travel size, it's almost like getting the deodorant for FREE. Almost.
Anyway, There ya go. At Walgreens I spent out of pocket (OOP) a total of $12.96. In rewards I received $19.50 (including the redbox and creamer coupon). Not bad for an evenings work on things we will USE.
You won't find me buying things we won't use, like some other couponers I have seen. That is NOT why I am purchasing with coupons. I am not going to buy something "just because i can" if I have a coupon for it. I will gladly send the coupon along with the others I won't use to the overseas military bases. I encourage you to do the same. ALSO, if you don't want your coupons, I will gladly take them and send them for you with mine.
Let me know what you think. Tomorrow we will get into the nitty gritty of how planning a trip works. ARE you ready to go through your grocery store ads and make your grocery list for your shopping trip?
be blessed!
Rue La La FREE $20 credit
The Rue La La $20 credit is back!!
Ever heard of them? They have some AWESOME deals daily. Most the time you can save up to half OR more! They have just about anything you could want, rotating every couple days!
If you have not yet signed up at Rue La La, you can now score a Free $20 credit. You have to sign up by 4/25 and you must use the credit by 5/25/11.
Don't miss out on your Ru La La free $20 credit!! Who doesn't like FREE money??
I am pretty sure that I am going to score that coffee make that they have listed for the next couple days.
The credit will appear in your account in approximately 48 hours, but then it's yours to use... FOR FREE!!
Gotta love that!
be blessed
Store Coupon Policies
I feel it is REALLY important to know the coupon policies of the stores you are shopping at. I have compiled a list below, and suggest that you print them out so you are aware how coupons work at your stores.
Some stores accept other stores' coupons. Some only accept manufacturer coupons. Some DOUBLE or even TRIPLE a coupon up to a certain $.00 amount.
So check them out. Print them, or if you have a smart phone, pull up the policy, take a snapshot of it so you have it with you at all times. I've print them out and put them in my small binders. (We will get to that part later in the week)
Dollar General
Family Thrift Center
**Farm Fresh (scroll down about half way) courtesy of afullcup.
Food Lion
Giant Food stores
Harris Teeter
**Kmart courtesy of thekrazycouponlady
**Krogers courtesy of thekrazycouponlady
Prairie Foods
Sunmart Foods
I am currently working on getting a Commissary policy for those of you who are able to utilize that. I will update as I find it. ALSO, I contacted NashFinch yesterday, and waiting to hear a reply for Family Thrift.
**UPDATE** I spoke with "C" from NashFinch today, and I have included the following stores that follow the SAME coupon policy: Econofoods, Family Thrift Center, Prairie Market Foods, and Sunmart Foods.
**Please keep in mind that the stores with the ** next to their name are links to the only place I found the coupon policy. Policies MAY change at any time, and in that case, if you would kindly email me for an update, I will gladly change it. **
I did NOT cover CVS or RiteAid at this time because I am not using them, right now. {It was hard enough to get down how the Walgreen's rewards work; I am still in the baby step process myself.}
Are you feeling overwhelmed? I hope not. Hang in there. Today we will be going over what occured Sunday at Walgreen's so that I MADE money shopping there.
Don't you want that to be YOU???
Even if you don't want to leave a comment, go ahead and follow me, so you don't miss a beat in this couponing expedition we are on.
be blessed
Some stores accept other stores' coupons. Some only accept manufacturer coupons. Some DOUBLE or even TRIPLE a coupon up to a certain $.00 amount.
So check them out. Print them, or if you have a smart phone, pull up the policy, take a snapshot of it so you have it with you at all times. I've print them out and put them in my small binders. (We will get to that part later in the week)
Dollar General
Family Thrift Center
**Farm Fresh (scroll down about half way) courtesy of afullcup.
Food Lion
Giant Food stores
Harris Teeter
**Kmart courtesy of thekrazycouponlady
**Krogers courtesy of thekrazycouponlady
Prairie Foods
Sunmart Foods
I am currently working on getting a Commissary policy for those of you who are able to utilize that. I will update as I find it. ALSO, I contacted NashFinch yesterday, and waiting to hear a reply for Family Thrift.
**UPDATE** I spoke with "C" from NashFinch today, and I have included the following stores that follow the SAME coupon policy: Econofoods, Family Thrift Center, Prairie Market Foods, and Sunmart Foods.
**Please keep in mind that the stores with the ** next to their name are links to the only place I found the coupon policy. Policies MAY change at any time, and in that case, if you would kindly email me for an update, I will gladly change it. **
I did NOT cover CVS or RiteAid at this time because I am not using them, right now. {It was hard enough to get down how the Walgreen's rewards work; I am still in the baby step process myself.}
Are you feeling overwhelmed? I hope not. Hang in there. Today we will be going over what occured Sunday at Walgreen's so that I MADE money shopping there.
Don't you want that to be YOU???
Even if you don't want to leave a comment, go ahead and follow me, so you don't miss a beat in this couponing expedition we are on.
be blessed
Monday, April 18, 2011
Meal Planning
Have you already cut coupons from yesterday's paper? Do you have a meal plan? If not, put the scissors down and walk away.
It's super important that you have a meal plan for the time period you will be shopping for. I used to plan just for a couple days, or at most a week. Today, that's different. I plan for at least two weeks, keeping in mind that store sales are usually once every quarter. (MEANING, if there are things today that I KNOW I will need in the next few months, I'm going to stock up. This is called stock piling. AND no.... I'm not talking about purchasing 120 tubes of tooth paste, because like I've said before, that's ridiculous.)
What I am talking about, though, is picking up canned fruits or vegetables when they are on sale. The past few weeks there have been sales on Bird's Eye veggie steamers. Some stores have had them 10 for $10. Using the coupons that you are able to print off, you can get them as low as $.50 a piece. Not bad, right? Keep in mind that most stores that offer B1G1 free or Buy 10 for $10 you are NOT obligated to purchase 10 or get two. The B1G1 will be rung up as half price. It varies from store to store. I'm also talking about cereal, lunch meat, bread, milk, yogurt, cheese. ANYTHING that you can possibly think of that you will need as it is on sale AND you have a coupon for it. (Do you know that you can freeze milk, yogurt, and cheese? That is something I JUST found out.)
Right now there is a Catalina coupon for Hamburger Helper. You save $.75 on three. A lot of stores have sales on these right now. I can't remember what my actual cost was for them at Target last week, but with coupons, I know I saved quite a bit.
The important thing is to plan your meals, then shop your flyers. I plan to help out as much as I can with getting you access to deals in the paper (that is why I asked who my audience was from before). Breakfast. Lunch. Dinner.
So do you have your meals planned yet? Get busy. We will work out the brands that you will you by Wednesday.
be blessed
Here is a little teaser of what I did purchase at Walgreens yesterday. I actually MADE money by purchasing these Nestle Cafe single coffees. Tomorrow I will tell you how.
As always, please leave a comment of some sort so I know who my audience is. If you would like to see certain deals for certain stores, I won't know unless you tell me. ALSO, don't forget about the drawing if I reach 100 followers. No one is paying me for this. I just want to know my writing/couponing experience is also helping someone else.
You saw the SAVINGS, right?? How totally siked about saving are you? Before you jump in and think that you are going to save 50% right away, you really need to know some BASICS. I've done the leg work for you, so hopefully it will make it a little easier.
{1} Maufacturers publish coupons a couple of different ways. They usually come in the Sunday paper. I know you've heard of them. RedPlum, Smart Source, and Proctor and Gamble (about once a month).
{2}Some coupons come in a form printed at the register, called Catalina Coupons. These are coupons that you can use on future purchases and usually have an expiration date. Midwest, you might get them from Safeway, Target, Albertson's, CVS, Walgreens, and Family Thrift. East coast, you might get them from Food Lion, Giant, Safeway, Harris Teeter, Krogers, Walgreens, Target, CVS, and Farm Fresh. (IF you have other stores that you would like me to add, please let me know.)
{3} I spoke about Catalina coupons above, but ONE thing you should also know is that MOST of the drugstore chains AND some grocery stores have their own little Register Rewards {RR}, in which you can earn MONEY towards your next purchase. (Like I did with the Hershey's, AND like what I will be showing you tomorrow). They are Catalinas, too... just for THAT store. {Recently I received a $5 and $7 off from Target; $5 gift card from Krogers, AND $18 from Walgreens. Nice, right?}
{4} Many stores send out their "own" coupons in their sale flyers. Most grocery store ads come out Wednesday and run through the following Tuesday. Krogers comes out in the Sunday paper. {I've been gone from home too long to know if any grocery stores have ads that come out on Sunday.} Walgreens, Target, RiteAid, CVS are all types of drugstores that have coupons in their Sunday/Wednesday ads (usually).
{5} Store card savings. You know what those are, right? The little key tag or card that you carry around with you so you get the BEST deals. A little know fact, though, is that at some stores you can LOAD additional savings to your card either through a kiosk at the store, OR at your stores online site.
{6} You can PRINT coupons from the web. YES, you read correctly. Print them from the internet. You can find an abundant here at where you just enter your zipcode, and you will find the coupons that are offered for your area. YOU can change the zipcode, to see if you can find a product coupon available in another area. You can also find them at REDPLUM, as well as Smart Source. You can EVEN order already clipped or whole inserts from clipping services. (You are paying them for their time, not for the coupon because that would be illegal. We will get into that in the upcoming weeks)
{7} Do you have a specific BRAND that you like, and can't live without? Check out their website. MANY companies offer coupons, especially when you send them a kind note letting them know your brand loyal to them, and you can ask for coupons if available. Keep in mind, not all companies will send freebees. Have you seen updates occassionally from me, "liking" something on facebook? It's usually because there are coupons involved. I don't mind. Afterward, I usually go in and delete the post update, but I still got my coupon.
{8} IF you don't have brand loyalty to a product, don't be afraid to TRY new things. Often it can save you MONEY. And that's why we are doing this, right?? To save us money. There are coupons out there that if you buy a certain brand of spaghetti sauce you then get the STORE brand of spaghetti for free. (This one is VERY popular, so be on the look out for it!)
{9} SMARTPHONES: I almost for got to mention to USE your smartphone to find apps that offer coupons. We have iphones. Target now has a coupon app that sends out coupons that the cashier just scans your phone, and WAHLAH... instant savings! Cellfire is another app. I am JUST starting so I don't know all apps that are available, but I wanted to give you that resource tip so you can find the ones that will work best for you and your family!
{10} Lastly, by COMBINING the store coupon with the manufacturer coupon you will save more money. It's not rocket science. Unfortunately, it takes alot of time to gather all the information that you will need. The good thing is that there is an ABUNDANT of resources out there that I will be sharing with you, so you can get the BEST deals.
So what do you say? Are you TRULY wanting to save? Because first and foremost, You have to WANT to save!!
Tomorrow we will be discussing just how I MADE money at Walgreens with Sunday's purchases, and a little bit of the lingo that goes along with couponing.
I will make it clear, I am not a professional couponer, despite what Linda Palmer may think! ;o) {love ya!} BUT I do want to share my knowledge that I am accumulating with you all. I am not a coupon hoarder. I am not going to go on TLC's extreme couponing show and clear the shelves. I think it's wrong. AND I also think that buying 2000 tooth brushes is wrong. You do NOT need a stockpile that large. IF you are willing to donate to the military both overseas and at home, go for it. BUT, just because YOU can, doesn't mean you should.
I'm sure that I have missed an item or two, but if I think of anything else, I will be sure to update.
**I forgot to mention KMART! I was reminded of their store coupons because I hadn't finished going through the paper yet. SO, if your Kmart is awesome, don't forget to utilize them, as well. **
**Tomorrow we will also be going over Store policies**
As always, please leave a comment on this post so I know who my audience is. Better yet, FOLLOW me. IF I reach {100} followers by the end of April, I will be holding a giveaway! For FREE!! Don't be hogging all the money saving tips for yourself~ refer your friends to my blog! ;o)
be blessed!
{1} Maufacturers publish coupons a couple of different ways. They usually come in the Sunday paper. I know you've heard of them. RedPlum, Smart Source, and Proctor and Gamble (about once a month).
{2}Some coupons come in a form printed at the register, called Catalina Coupons. These are coupons that you can use on future purchases and usually have an expiration date. Midwest, you might get them from Safeway, Target, Albertson's, CVS, Walgreens, and Family Thrift. East coast, you might get them from Food Lion, Giant, Safeway, Harris Teeter, Krogers, Walgreens, Target, CVS, and Farm Fresh. (IF you have other stores that you would like me to add, please let me know.)
{3} I spoke about Catalina coupons above, but ONE thing you should also know is that MOST of the drugstore chains AND some grocery stores have their own little Register Rewards {RR}, in which you can earn MONEY towards your next purchase. (Like I did with the Hershey's, AND like what I will be showing you tomorrow). They are Catalinas, too... just for THAT store. {Recently I received a $5 and $7 off from Target; $5 gift card from Krogers, AND $18 from Walgreens. Nice, right?}
{4} Many stores send out their "own" coupons in their sale flyers. Most grocery store ads come out Wednesday and run through the following Tuesday. Krogers comes out in the Sunday paper. {I've been gone from home too long to know if any grocery stores have ads that come out on Sunday.} Walgreens, Target, RiteAid, CVS are all types of drugstores that have coupons in their Sunday/Wednesday ads (usually).
{5} Store card savings. You know what those are, right? The little key tag or card that you carry around with you so you get the BEST deals. A little know fact, though, is that at some stores you can LOAD additional savings to your card either through a kiosk at the store, OR at your stores online site.
{6} You can PRINT coupons from the web. YES, you read correctly. Print them from the internet. You can find an abundant here at where you just enter your zipcode, and you will find the coupons that are offered for your area. YOU can change the zipcode, to see if you can find a product coupon available in another area. You can also find them at REDPLUM, as well as Smart Source. You can EVEN order already clipped or whole inserts from clipping services. (You are paying them for their time, not for the coupon because that would be illegal. We will get into that in the upcoming weeks)
{7} Do you have a specific BRAND that you like, and can't live without? Check out their website. MANY companies offer coupons, especially when you send them a kind note letting them know your brand loyal to them, and you can ask for coupons if available. Keep in mind, not all companies will send freebees. Have you seen updates occassionally from me, "liking" something on facebook? It's usually because there are coupons involved. I don't mind. Afterward, I usually go in and delete the post update, but I still got my coupon.
{8} IF you don't have brand loyalty to a product, don't be afraid to TRY new things. Often it can save you MONEY. And that's why we are doing this, right?? To save us money. There are coupons out there that if you buy a certain brand of spaghetti sauce you then get the STORE brand of spaghetti for free. (This one is VERY popular, so be on the look out for it!)
{9} SMARTPHONES: I almost for got to mention to USE your smartphone to find apps that offer coupons. We have iphones. Target now has a coupon app that sends out coupons that the cashier just scans your phone, and WAHLAH... instant savings! Cellfire is another app. I am JUST starting so I don't know all apps that are available, but I wanted to give you that resource tip so you can find the ones that will work best for you and your family!
{10} Lastly, by COMBINING the store coupon with the manufacturer coupon you will save more money. It's not rocket science. Unfortunately, it takes alot of time to gather all the information that you will need. The good thing is that there is an ABUNDANT of resources out there that I will be sharing with you, so you can get the BEST deals.
So what do you say? Are you TRULY wanting to save? Because first and foremost, You have to WANT to save!!
Tomorrow we will be discussing just how I MADE money at Walgreens with Sunday's purchases, and a little bit of the lingo that goes along with couponing.
I will make it clear, I am not a professional couponer, despite what Linda Palmer may think! ;o) {love ya!} BUT I do want to share my knowledge that I am accumulating with you all. I am not a coupon hoarder. I am not going to go on TLC's extreme couponing show and clear the shelves. I think it's wrong. AND I also think that buying 2000 tooth brushes is wrong. You do NOT need a stockpile that large. IF you are willing to donate to the military both overseas and at home, go for it. BUT, just because YOU can, doesn't mean you should.
I'm sure that I have missed an item or two, but if I think of anything else, I will be sure to update.
**I forgot to mention KMART! I was reminded of their store coupons because I hadn't finished going through the paper yet. SO, if your Kmart is awesome, don't forget to utilize them, as well. **
**Tomorrow we will also be going over Store policies**
As always, please leave a comment on this post so I know who my audience is. Better yet, FOLLOW me. IF I reach {100} followers by the end of April, I will be holding a giveaway! For FREE!! Don't be hogging all the money saving tips for yourself~ refer your friends to my blog! ;o)
be blessed!
First trip to Walgreens
This is my first post about {really} couponing. Hope it spikes your interest!
Saturday evening J and I went to Walgreen's because their sales for the week were almost up, and there were a couple of things I wanted to get before I truly missed out. Although THAT particular trip cost us $42.+ out of pocket {oop}, It also netted us {2} $5 Hershey rewards. I did not do exactly like I had planned, BUT I did score some free money. {Which is definitely helpful with Easter coming up.} AND I also got some supplements that I started taking yesterday.
After we went home, I was feeling kind of bummed that it didn't go how I had planned, and that we blew the budget that I {THOUGHT} we would have. I decided to put my game face on and go back out, this time with my plan in hand and NO wavering.
These are the items I bought:
{4} boxes of Peeps chicks {2} bags of Easter peanut M&Ms {4} bags of Hershey kisses, including caramel, plain, and almond (they were clearanced from $4.89 to$2.19, remember I had the $10 Hershey rewards from the previous shopping trip that night) {1} bag of Hershey dark chocolate Nuggats with almonds, {1} bag of Hershey Easter Kisses with Almonds, {2} Hefty ziplock baggies (quart and gallon), {1} Wonka chocolate egg (which was REG $5.89/on sale for $3.79 WITH my $3.00 in coupons I got it for $.79!), {2} Blue Diamond Almonds {sale B1G1), {2}Starburst eggs, {2} packs of Wrigleys FIVE gum, {3} Dove truffle eggs, {3} Dove chocolate bunnies.
We saved $4.29 with {WAGS=Walgreens} in-ad coupons, $14.88 in AD prices, and $23.60 with manufacturer coupons {including the ones from Hersheys}. ALSO, we really did save MORE than that when you look at the FULL picture of the clearance bags of the Hershey's Kisses candy, the Wonka Egg wasn't supposed to ring up on sale yet.
That means we saved a GRAND total of $42.77 OR $58.42 if you include the markdown price of the candy.
For $73.34, I only paid $14.92.
Check it out below
Are YOU ready to get busy saving? LEAVE a comment BELOW just so I know the audience I am writing to with this couponing. No need to leave something fancy. Even a ;o) will do. I have disabled the word verification. You can even leave an anonymous note.
be blessed
Saturday evening J and I went to Walgreen's because their sales for the week were almost up, and there were a couple of things I wanted to get before I truly missed out. Although THAT particular trip cost us $42.+ out of pocket {oop}, It also netted us {2} $5 Hershey rewards. I did not do exactly like I had planned, BUT I did score some free money. {Which is definitely helpful with Easter coming up.} AND I also got some supplements that I started taking yesterday.
After we went home, I was feeling kind of bummed that it didn't go how I had planned, and that we blew the budget that I {THOUGHT} we would have. I decided to put my game face on and go back out, this time with my plan in hand and NO wavering.
These are the items I bought:
{4} boxes of Peeps chicks {2} bags of Easter peanut M&Ms {4} bags of Hershey kisses, including caramel, plain, and almond (they were clearanced from $4.89 to$2.19, remember I had the $10 Hershey rewards from the previous shopping trip that night) {1} bag of Hershey dark chocolate Nuggats with almonds, {1} bag of Hershey Easter Kisses with Almonds, {2} Hefty ziplock baggies (quart and gallon), {1} Wonka chocolate egg (which was REG $5.89/on sale for $3.79 WITH my $3.00 in coupons I got it for $.79!), {2} Blue Diamond Almonds {sale B1G1), {2}Starburst eggs, {2} packs of Wrigleys FIVE gum, {3} Dove truffle eggs, {3} Dove chocolate bunnies.
We saved $4.29 with {WAGS=Walgreens} in-ad coupons, $14.88 in AD prices, and $23.60 with manufacturer coupons {including the ones from Hersheys}. ALSO, we really did save MORE than that when you look at the FULL picture of the clearance bags of the Hershey's Kisses candy, the Wonka Egg wasn't supposed to ring up on sale yet.
That means we saved a GRAND total of $42.77 OR $58.42 if you include the markdown price of the candy.
For $73.34, I only paid $14.92.
Check it out below
Are YOU ready to get busy saving? LEAVE a comment BELOW just so I know the audience I am writing to with this couponing. No need to leave something fancy. Even a ;o) will do. I have disabled the word verification. You can even leave an anonymous note.
be blessed
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