Monday, June 4, 2012

Time Crunch

I have missed several weeks of updating the progress of the house. It's because there just isn't much to update, other than the fact of lack of progress and mistakes. And that gets old and depressing.

So in addition to the lack of progress, what HAS been occuring is alot of mess ups.

Friday came and I was so excited about going down to see the progress due to the fact that we were told the flooring would be brought in to get acclimated early in the week, and the laying would be started on Thursday. I was SO excited about this because it means we are nearing the end.

But much to our dismay, no flooring was in the house. The door was wide open; not locked, with no one in sight.

See... depressing. Depressing that others do not value what we are putting our livelihood in to.

Mistakes occur. Over and Over and Over again.

Our shower was tiled incorrectly. No spacers were used. The tiling on the walls are uneven; not even the pattern we chose. And the floor... it's ridiculously wrong.

{This makes me sick. Literally. I think I have an ulcer or something. I have been sick for the better part of 5-6 weeks, throwing up. We are not pregnant. I can't keep much down, yet do not seem to lose any weight. I have a doctor appointment on Tuesday. Keep me in your prayers.}

 And... our appliances were just ordered. You know... the ones we picked out months ago because we were told to? Just. Ordered.

Have I mentioned that we are out of our current house in 10 days? Yes... TEN days!

So... I think I might have an ulcer. ;o)

To top off not blogging... I missed blogging about little J's bday. He turned 8!

 Eight! Can you believe it?? Love you, mister!

Hopefully I have more positive things to report at the end of the week before the computer gets packed up.

be blessed!


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