Friday, January 4, 2013


And I'm not talking about your feelings on to others.

Since August when I started to create the chalkboard sayings in our home, I've wanted one of these things.
General Imaging PJ205 ipico Handheld LED Personal Projector for Apple iPhone/iPod Touch - Retail Packaging - White
Isn't it cute? It's a projector that fits onto your ipod/iphone. It would make the task of chalkboarding so much easier. I am not a very good freehand drawer. (Although, O would disagree as I completely helped him draw the Georgia state seal on Tuesday morning... because we forgot homework over Christmas break with him being sick. OOPS!) Outside of being able to project images, I would be able to watch AI or the dreaded Bachelor when they start up next week.... away from boys that don't want to watch it.
Anyway, I love it. Anyone want to purchase it for me? Or go halvsies?? Anyone?
Speaking of chalkboards, check out Pigtails & Sassyfras later on today for something I've been working on. (That's the new blog I've started, in case you didn't know.)
My coffee cup is empty, so it needs a refill.
Catch ya later?
Be Blessed!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hello 2013!!

Happy New Year! So glad to see you rang it in, and survived the zombie apocalypse. Okay really that didn't happen, but I did wait until Dec 21 to see if the world was going to end first in Australia. Then I heard that it was 2PM ET. Who knew the Myans were on a time zone clock?! Well, luckily the world didn't end and we had a fantastic holiday with friends and family who joined together at our house.

Did you make resolutions? I made some on my last birthday, so I didn't feel the need to make any at the start of the new calendar year. After all, birthdays are really a time for renewal. Some of mine include weight management (which is seriously out of control), complete unfinished projects, volunteer more, get photos on the walls, be a better wife/mom, grow my love/faith in the Lord, and breathe. Really Breathe.

I received a Cricut machine for Christmas from my mom. (thank you, again!!) If you don't know what it is, it's a machine that cuts out images that are preprogrammed on to cartridges. There are any where from 40-700 images, depending on the cartridge. (Lucky for me, I also have a good friend who has one, and has let me borrow her cartridges.) Think dye-cut images, only with a tiny knife. This machine cuts virtually any size image that you want. I had picked up some black contact paper from Amazon to make some decals for my kitchenaid mixer.

So what do you think? My sister received her mixer for Christmas, and I am making her some in purple. What words would you use?
The boys are back in school, reluctantly. Both were sick over the holiday and still not feeling 100% today. But it means that I can try to get this house back in to some working order.
Share your resolutions and ideas for the mixer decals in the comments, won't you?
Have a blessed year, and thank you for stopping by!