
Monday, February 7, 2011


I went to a warehouse sale today.

I bought an antique sewing machine and it's wooden case/table.

I'm not sure what it's called.... (the thing the machine is in)

It's old. 1890's. Wooden. Ornate.

It's kinda cool to have a piece of history.

White is the brand name.

We'll see how "cool" James thinks it is.

Continue praying for the Koop clan. Please. They are so loved.

If you haven't checked out her beautiful photography and shared happenings of life's events, do so.

It's the link to the left.

Or you can find it here.

Until next time~

1 comment:

  1. Warehouse sales and antiques are a dangerous combo for me!! Your sewing table sounds very pretty. :)
